Monday, 29 October 2012

The Garden is Defined!

Can you believe it?  Four months from our first planting and we’ve got next year’s garden all but ready to go!
Son & Son Kettle

Thanks to Steve(n) and Cooper,  essentially all the ‘desodding’ has been completed.  What this means is most of the perennial grass roots have been removed.   We’re hoping this will result in much less weeding in the future.  Again, it’s that idea of trying to get things right from the beginning.  But whatever you do, don’t let Margaret (my organic guru from New Zealand) know…as she met her better half by agreeing with him that he didn’t have to do any digging in her gardens.
Almost there!

So, now it comes down to trying to raise my pH a couple of octaves!   What this means is now I’ve got to get serious about laying down the lime.  Rob was always encouraging me to do this in Royal Oak, and I think he was on to something.  Unfortunately for us (according to our soil test results), that might mean that what I actually should be applying would require a dumptruck rather than the ten 50-pound bags (Yes, no more metrics as we’re out of NZ!) I just purchased yesterday.  Just for the record, the recommendations suggest that I need 9999+ lbs per acre.  As we have about ¼ acre in vegetables, that’s only 2499 ¼ lbs…isn’t that comforting?

And, again for the records, EVERYTHING in the garden has grown well this summer; perhaps, I’m being overscientific about all of this!  BUT again, I AM trying to get this right from the beginning.

IN CLOSING, for this segment of organification, I would like to thank Sandy, Dan, Angelita, Noel, David, Matt, Reed, Steve and Cooper for their wonderful Wwoofing efforts and getting us on track for the future!  And, just to let the Wwoofers know, we’re now in full harvest, and that one big pumpkin is now very big!!!

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